Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Goals Without God Is Simply Busy Work

there was a time in my life where i was in control … so i thought. i was involved in a lot of things and keeping busy with life. if i set my mind to accomplish a goal, i made it happen. but deep inside, after it was all said and done, i still wasn't happy and my mind was not settled. i was riding an emotional roller coaster of disappointment, fear, anxiety, and worry. you see, i was living a life of ill-contentment, which was certainly a recipe for disaster.

during this part of my journey, i had eventually reached a crossroad and a decision had to be made. it was either continue on as i had been living without asking for direction and end up who knows where, or make an about face and start consulting with the Master to inquire of His purpose for my life. it was at that moment i made a decision to begin intimate dialogue with God. i began to pray more before taking action. regardless of the issue at hand, i wanted to have a closer walk with the Master and allow Him to move into a space in my life and heart that only He could fill. and as time went on, making the decision to pray more has helped me to become more calm and spiritually aware of what was happening around me and within me. i began see many things clearer as well as have the desire to live a better life spiritually, mentally and physically … and let me tell you, i haven’t felt better. things are unfolding in my life in a way that i could have never imagined. i now have assurance and confidence that He knows what's best for me and everything happens for a reason. i’ve come to a place in my life where i have peace within myself … less anxiety, worry, and fear. but please understand, letting go of the reigns has truly been a process that is still in the making. however, i’ve come a long way from where I used to be.

all of that to say this … when it seems that no matter what you do and you're still not happy, take it as a sign before you get to your lowest point. don’t continue to spin your wheels day after day, year after year. before you set out to achieve your goals, stop and take time out to consult with the Master to ask for direction and purpose. pray, wait, listen and then obey. and while you have a petition up before him awaiting an answer, be content and above all, keep an attitude of gratitude. be flexible so that once you receive your answer, you can follow through with a peaceful spirit of obedience. keep your ears open to listen because your answer may come in the form of an anonymous message from a stranger, a passage in a book that you read, a television program, or perhaps from this blog. often times, God will strategically place people in your life at the right time to serve a purpose. so have patience my friend and be encouraged. your time is coming.

all the best,

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Keep Knocking Until Opportunity Answers

as i journey through life, i’m learning to lean in a more positive direction when worry and dismay tries to creep in to steal my testimony. when there is something that i'm praying for and waiting on, i have made a decision to perform actions that will bear fruit ... as i pray, i work my faith.

i’d been praying for a financial blessing, as many of us may be doing in this economic climate. and to my surprise, it seemed that suddenly an opportunity came my way. no, things didn't happen overnight. but i kept knocking on doors until the right one [that was meant for me] opened ... i worked my faith.

and so to you reading this post, don’t give up and don’t allow negativity cloud your focus. no matter what is going on around you, continue to keep your eye on the prize. pray, pray, and pray some more. God is always sure, and whatever happens, He knows exactly what He wants for you. things will work out perfectly according to His will, purpose, and plan for you.

all the best,

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Pray  Until  Something  Happens

don't ever give up on your dreams and goals ... pray until something happens. 
when you feel like your prayers are going unanswered ... pray until something happens. 
when situations seem as though they will never work out in your favor ... pray until something happens. 
remember that life is a journey and you won't reach your destination overnight. anything worth having is worth praying for and waiting on. so i encourage you to continue to pray, until something happens.

all the best,

Saturday, June 11, 2011

hello and welcome

welcome. i am humbled by your presence and excited that you have taken the time to muse around a bit. i created this blog with you in mind, hoping that i may inspire you to push forward through any obstacles that may come your way in life and move towards achieving your goals, visions, and dreams. comments are always welcome and i will do my best to respond to inquiries that you may have.

all the best,